Lepidoptera Family Dicranurida Moths

The five British species that represent this family are such interesting insects that we should like to have given a detailed description of all of them, but our limited space will allow of no more than an outline of the general characteristics of the group and a selection of two for individual mention.

They are thick-bodied moths, and the prevailing colours are white and shades of grey. The antenna are pectinated in the males, and, with the exception of the Lobster Moth (Fagi), in the females also.

The larva, like those of the last family, have no anal claspers, and stand, when at rest, with both ends of the body raised. They have two ‘tails’ projecting from the last segment. The largest of them (the Puss), and three smaller species (Kittens) that closely resemble it in habits, all construct hard cocoons to be presently described; but the larva of the Lobster Moth spins a light cocoon among the leaves of trees.

They all spend the winter in the chrysalis state.