Lepidoptera The Tinea Moth

We have noticed that the Tortrices form a very extensive group of moths, but they are far outnumbered by the Tinea, for of these there are over seven hundred known British species.

Of course, among so many species we are sure to find considerable variety in form and structure; but notwithstanding this, the Tinea form a well-marked division, and the beginner will find but little difficulty in distinguishing between these and the other Micros.

The wings are long and narrow, and are remarkable for the length of the fringe, particularly that of the hind wings. The bodies, too, are long and slender.

The larva are exceedingly variable. Some have the usual number of sixteen limbs, and others have as many as eighteen. Again, the larva of several genera have only fourteen legs, and some are absolutely legless.

With regard to their food and habits, they are equally variable, for while some feed exposed, others are always protected in rolled leaves. Some construct for themselves portable tubes, so that they always remain under cover, and are at the same time perfectly free to ramble in search for food. Some, also, are leaf miners; and the group includes the so-called ‘Clothes Moths,’ whose larva devour our garments, furs, and the upholstering of our furniture.

We shall now briefly notice a few species, in order that we may become better acquainted with the general characters of the group.